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1st Regional Northern Hispanic Area Camp is Held

1st Regional Northern Hispanic Area Camp is Held

From July 28 to 30, 2023, the Green Bay Three Angels and Colby Nueva Jerusalem II Hispanic Churches celebrated the 1st Regional Camp of the northern area of the Hispanic District in Wisconsin, entitled “En su Presencia,” (In His Presence), at Riverside Bible Camp, located in the Village of Amherst, Wisconsin. 
110 church members, including kids, youth, and young adults with their families, gathered together to be inspired by the word of God in the voice of the Vice President for Multilingual Ministries, Elder Eddie Allen.  
Pastor Juan Rivas reported that “it was an amazing experience where the Holy Spirit moved our hearts to God’s presence,” along with spiritual enrichment, family, and social activities (kayaking, tubing, and swimming in the river). The event was highlighted by a elders, deacons, and deaconess ordination, a communion service, and yummy and delicious Hispanic food from Honduras, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. 
Pastor Rivas also reported that planning is has begun to meet again from July 26 to 28 in 2024. Prayers are requested for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the northern area of the Hispanic District in Wisconsin.

Submitted by the Northern Hispanic District Area