About Us
First Among Regional Conferences
The Lake Region Conference began to operate in January, 1945, with offices in Indianapolis, Indiana. For 70 years the Lake Region Conference has been engaging in mission and ministry that have brought transformation and growth to people and communities.
Our Present
The work of those who have gone before have yielded tremendous fruit for the Lord’s Kingdom. Today, there are more than 29,000 Adventists within the Lake Region Conference who worship in 107 churches scattered throughout Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Our Future
As important as looking back is, moving forward with renewed purpose and fervor is our aim and goal. We have recommitted ourselves to the founding ideals of our pioneers, as well as renewed our pledge to expend our energies and extend ourselves to win the lost for Christ.
Lake Region Conference News
Official Statement of The Lake Region Conference
Mokena, IL — In the interest of transparency, the Lake Region Conference administration appreciates the opportunity by Spectrum magazine to provide a response to their
Happy New Year from President Gabriel
As we step into 2025, we give thanks to God for His faithfulness and guidance throughout 2024. We are excited for what this new year
Happy Holidays from LRC Administrators
Dear Pastors, Staff, Teachers, Executive Committee Members, and Constituents of the Lake Region Conference, As we reflect on this year, we are deeply grateful for
Growing Deeper Roots in Christ
Lake Region Conference News
Official Statement of The Lake Region Conference
Mokena, IL — In the interest of transparency, the Lake Region Conference administration appreciates the opportunity by Spectrum magazine to provide a response to their
Happy New Year from President Gabriel
As we step into 2025, we give thanks to God for His faithfulness and guidance throughout 2024. We are excited for what this new year
Happy Holidays from LRC Administrators
Dear Pastors, Staff, Teachers, Executive Committee Members, and Constituents of the Lake Region Conference, As we reflect on this year, we are deeply grateful for
Dedicated Team
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