To the Lake Region Conference Family,
We are privileged to serve you as Administrators of the Lake Region Conference.
As we are in the midst of the second quarter of the year, we are on schedule to begin our Conference-wide Pastoral Survey. We see this process as one that will be important in helping each of us reach our full potential in using our God-given abilities to His Glory and honor. If you haven’t thought about it, Jesus’ question to His disciples in Matthew 16:13 – “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” was an evaluation that He was conducting on Himself and His ministry. He recognized His need to have His performance assessed by the people He was trying to reach.
Whenever we are engaged in mission we should always step back and examine whether our efforts have been effective. Like Jesus, we should be asking, how well are we doing? Have we achieved the goal God has set before us? And if we haven’t, how can we improve? We consider this process to be a sacred responsibility and trust that God has given us. It is always a challenge whenever we are given the responsibility to examine anyone and especially when we are called to do it as a representative of Christ and His Church. It requires setting aside our humanity and seeking divine guidance, allowing God’s Spirit to lead you as you complete the survey.
We are asking for all surveys to be completed by April 30, 2023. For your convenience, the survey can be completed electronically (see link below) as well in a hard copy version. If completing a hard copy of the survey, please submit it to your church clerk, who will then mail it to the Conference Office, addressed to the Executive Secretary’s office. Instructions for administering the survey are available for download in a link below.
We are praying that this process will be a blessing to the entire conference as we reflect on how to achieve excellence in service to Christ, His mission and His people. If you have any questions, feel free to contact,
May you and your family be well and safe as you continue to serve Christ and His cause.
In His Service,
Lake Region Conference Administration
Instructions for LRC Pastoral Survey
QR Code for the Pastoral Survey