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It is an honor to serve as your President

The Gabriel-Family

It is an honor to serve as your President

Dear Lake Region Family,

On Sunday, September 19, 2021 – The Lake Region Conference Executive Committee (EXCOM) and the remaining members of the previous 2018 Nominating Committee voted me to serve as president for the remainder of the 2018-2022 term. It is my distinct privilege to serve the constituents of the Lake Region Conference. We will lead with spirituality, sensitivity, and inclusivity. It is also an honor to follow Dr. R. Clifford Jones who accepted a call on June 30, 2021, to serve as Dean of the School of Theology, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL.

I am the son of the late Pastor Henry Gabriel. My father’s dynamic ministry has enhanced my life throughout my ministry. I have served in ministry in Lake Region Conference for 30 years. I have been married to the former Rosita Valentine, of Kansas City, Missouri, for nearly 43 years. We have been blessed to parent four gifted and talented children who all desire to serve the Lord. Our children have added to our family bringing us, two daughters-in-law and one son-in-law. Through them, we are the proud grandparents of four beautiful grandsons. My hobbies include reading inspirational books, playing a variety of musical instruments, songwriting, vocal arrangements, and music production.

Before serving as President of Lake Region Conference, I was voted Executive Secretary in 2018. Prior to serving in conference leadership, I served as pastor of Conant Gardens, Community Fellowship, and Highland Park Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the Motor City area in Michigan for the past 25 years. In addition to pastoral ministry and leadership, I ministered in singing groups, The Garth Gabriel Singers and Heritage Singers. I also served as a co-host of “Keep on Singing” on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN) Television.

Thank you for the confidence you have given me to serve as your President. I am asking our Conference Workers and Constituents to make Evangelism a Priority in 2022.

We encourage inclusivity during our upcoming evangelism projects whatever your talents or gifts may be. Please partner with us in our efforts to win souls for the Kingdom of God, whether you are a pastor, teacher, administrative assistant, church member, or young person, we are all a part of a united family in this mission of soul-winning! I ask you to join our conference administration and me, as we pray for one another and the success of these initiatives.

Please be assured that my family and I are committed to faithfully keeping the constituents of our Conference lifted up in prayer as we all “Stand Together as One”, Lake Region Strong!

– The Gabriel Family.

In Faithful Service,
Garth Gabriel,
Office of The President
Lake Region Conference