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Happy Holidays from LRC Administrators

Happy Holidays from LRC Administrators

Dear Pastors, Staff, Teachers, Executive Committee Members, and Constituents of the Lake Region Conference,

As we reflect on this year, we are deeply grateful for your extraordinary work, dedication, and faithful service to God’s mission. Your unwavering efforts have touched countless lives, and we celebrate the light you bring to others.

This year brought many unexpected moments of both success and loss. Yet, in this Christmas season, we are reminded of the hope we have in Jesus. His birth, life, death and, resurrection assures us of God’s unchanging love and faithfulness, even in life’s challenges.

May the joy, peace, and hope of Christ’s birth fill your hearts and homes this season. Thank you for all you do in His service, and may His light continue to guide and bless you.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!